Our Language Design

À la maison design language is the smooth combination of cultural materials, and the modernization of contemporary architecture; which results in the central language design of simplistic Asian.

Within every single collection born a long story, in which individual product will be either the leading role or the supporting actor to deliver the whole story to our customers as truthfully and lively as possible.

Stories being told are all about the core values behind every product, which are of hard work, of blood, sweat, and tears from our designers along with the pivotal contribution from our masterful artisans. Those devoted their days and nights to meticulously crafting every product with beauty as well as a soul.

How To Work

II. Stage of construction

1. First estimate : Draw up overall a plan of the estimation. According to the final design project, À la maison team will make a comprehensive constructional estimate for the investor. The estimated cost is divided into two parts including the Architectural and the Interior.
2. Second estimate: Modifying the detail of the estimation. Modify the estimation according to the materials, sizes and make sure that is suitable with the budget of the investor.
3. Final estimation: Signing the construction contract. When the estimated price is dealed, the investor signs the contract and deposit 50% -80% of the contract value.
4. Construction in proceed : Depending on the volume of the work, the designer and workman will estimate how long the project will take.
5. Checking completed work : After the work is finalized, the investor will complete the contract value to the company.

Notice : On the Payment of contracts, there will be additional detail attached to the contract in the bilateral negotiation.


When I was young, I remembered asking my father, “Why do birds have to trouble themselves migrating? Going back and forth, why don’t they just stay in the South where it’s warm and sunny?” My father smiled at me, without a glance away from his newspaper, he answered patiently: “Because the South is not their home; it’s only their temporary stay. Any living soul will always crave for a peaceful place called Home. Trapped in the hustle and bustle of life, humans praise consumerism as a search for temporary fulfillment. They want living spaces that are already pre-designed with expensive materials and latest technology. However, whether they find Peace in places like this is a totally different story. It might be their temporary stay, it could be beautiful, fancy or unique in the eyes of society, but it is not their Home. Let’s turn your living space into a real Nest, where the love of your Grandparents, Parents, Brother and Sister, Wife, Husband, Kids, Loved Ones… are filled. This is the real value that we want to bring to our customers. Humans can wander around the globe, yet, home is where we all head back. À la maison was founded based upon this inspirational story, with a hope to create living spaces filled with Love and Connection between family members. With a design principle “WE MAKE A HOME, NOT A HOUSE”, À la maison offers our signature design which adhere to Indochina interior style with a touch of contemporary; in which we believe not only satisfy the essential needs of modern life but also bring about core traditional values. Asian living space tend to avoid using too many colors and textures with only a few, exceptional details that give customers a feeeling of comfort, simple yet refined, cozy yet elegant. The sophistication in combining Vietnamese custome-made materials such as Vietnamese Lacqer, Natural Wood, Bamboo Handicraft, Ceramics, Silk, etc. They represent the country spirit and show the appreciation to Vietnamese artisanship, the harworking people that spent days and nights trying to create perfect products in terms of both presentation and quality. À la maison’s furniture is dedicated to those who love and appreciate tradition and the beauty of Vietnamese culture.